In a realm of magic, war rages. Will the continent be consumed by strife, or will the people unite against the greater danger?
Game Masters:
This topic is an
Out Of Character part of the roleplay, ?Spelheim: The First Magewar?. Anything posted here will also show up there.
Topic Tags:
Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.
Character profile guidelines- Try to be realistic within the setting. A thirteen-year-old stablehand won?t be a master swordsman, a beggar won?t charm his way into every brothel in town, and the blindingly beautiful Id-Heran princess won?t be good at cooking, singing, sword fighting, blacksmithing, caber tossing, NASCAR racing, and catching bloody unicorns.
- No Mary Sues. People have flaws, and the world does not revolve around them. Glance over this if you?re not certain of the term.
- Don?t create a fighting idiot.[b] This is a roleplay about countries at war. Naturally, there will be combat, but if you intend to chain endless fighting scenes together, you?re in the wrong place. You cannot trade your ability to put on pants for +1 to damage. The story will be action-driven as much as character-driven, and the war is larger than any individual action taken in it.
- [b]On magicians: It is not expected or particularly encouraged for you to play a magician. They have pretty restricted lives, and the magic system is rather rigid. The presence of magicians on both sides of the war levels the playing field, so normal fighters (or even diplomats) are perfectly capable of making a difference.
- You may omit information from your character profile if you wish to keep certain information a mystery. Secret pasts would be a good example of this. A hidden set of lock picks would not ? anything that might seem like an ass pull goes on your profile.
Notes on character skeleton
Picture and avatar: A picture is not required, but it is encouraged. Illustrations are preferred over photos. Do not spend too much time looking for one ? your text description will take precedence over anything else. Do try to find (or make) a recognizable 100x100 avatar for your character.
Name: English, Germanic or fantasy names are all allowed. It has to be pronounceable in the English tongue though. If you're a commoner, you're not going to have an overly long name. Only Spelheim citizens have a last name. Id-Herans may also state the name of their father (son of, daughter of).
Race: Sile, Kanloi, Citian Human, Id-Heran Human.
Sex: Male, female or undisclosed. In the human society, some women may impersonate men for safety or work opportunities, and spies may be in disguise.
Age: Try to be realistic, in relation to skill set and background.
Appearance: Try to avoid subjective terms in your description. Your character may be conventionally beautiful [for their race], but she may not be attractive [to everyone]. Some characters may fear beauty, and different people and races have different standards. As for racial differences: blond characters generally have Id-Heran blood, while red hair originates in Spelheim. Black hair can always be tracked back to the Socharev.
Personality: please provide a clear personality. ?She is timid but will get angry at you when you insult her enough? isn?t a personality, it?s common sense. Characters with conviction or motivation are preferred ? I?d rather not have isolated hermits that look forward to dying alone. Room for character development is encouraged. Check the other characters for any disturbing overlap in personality.
History: what made your character into the person (s)he is today? Arranging previous relationships with other characters is encouraged if appropriate. Two Citians needn?t know each other, but two dragon riders probably would.
Magic: no magic potential, latent potential, or awakened mage. If the latter, list Talents and illustrate relative proficiency. The magic academies rank their students, so magicians have a fair idea of their capabilities. Keep in mind that the City forcibly awakens all magic potential: no one in the Spelheim capital can remain latent.
Additional information: equipment, hidden scars, whatever you think is important.
Writing sample:
Write a small fragment according to this scenario:
While on a midnight stroll through a dark alley, or a forest road, your character encounters a faint silhouette. The person approaches at a relaxed pace, holding an object that might be a sword, or a walking cane, or even a tree branch. You are not sure you have been seen, but the chances are fair.
Illustrate suspicions and the appropriate action. No word minimum. This does not have to be elaborate. Hide behind a tree and you?re done. Charge the silhouette with your sword and you?re done. This is not canon, i.e. do not start your first post running from an alley.
- Code: Select all
[size=150][b] Gender | Age [/b][/font][/size]
[font=sylfaen] [b]Appearance:[/b]
[b]Additional information:[/b]
[font=sylfaen][b]Writing sample[/b]:[/font]
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